Evaluation and impact assessment

Evaluation and impact assessment

Formulating and implementing optimal policies will only become more complicated in an increasingly developing society. The question we are solving is how to assess projects’ value, efficiency, and effectiveness.  Stakeholders are no longer prepared to accept only product progress indicators and crude accounting ratios as achievement measures.  Our reports and insights support policymakers and managers in getting a grip on the execution of activities and determining whether the right course is chosen.  Appropriate instruments and methods are selected for each assignment. Usually, we use the approach defined by EVALSED. The problems tree, reconstruction of intervention logic, contra-fact analysis, and CBA are several examples of methods we utilize in our work.

Our clients and funders


European Commission

We do research in such programmes as FP7, H2020, HE as well as serve DGs.

International Organizations

We address decision makers with our insights and methodologies.

National Ministries

We delivers robust and data driven advisory to the National Government institutions.


Large Enterprises

We do analytical studies and help C level managers to find the sustainable solutions for development.


Local Authorities

We assist local municipalities in shaping strategies and agendas with evidence based analytics.



We work closely with the owners by elaborating business models and practices for growth. 
